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Exam Number : 301b
Exam Name : BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) Specialist : Maintain & Troubleshoot
Vendor Name : F5-Networks
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301b Exam Format | 301b Course Contents | 301b Course Outline | 301b Exam Syllabus | 301b Exam Objectives

The 301a-LTM Specialist: Architect, Set-up & Deploy exam is one of two exams

required to achieve Certified F5 Technology Specialist, LTM status.

Individuals who pass this exam possess an of underlying principles – from SSLbased VPN implementation to symmetric and asymmetric acceleration – and can

draw on that insight to integrate BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) into existing
networks as well as new implementations. This is exam 1 of 2 and is based on
TMOS v11.

Objective 1.01 Given an expected traffic volume, determine the appropriate SNAT

Explain when SNAT is required

Describe the benefit of using SNAT pools

Objective 1.02 Given a scenario, determine the minimum profiles for an application U/A

Explain security options available for the application

Explain how to use LTM as a service proxy

Describe how a given service is deployed on an LTM

Objective 1.03 Given an application configuration, determine which functions can be
offloaded to the LTM device

Explain how to offload HTTP servers for SSL compression and caching

Objective 1.04 Given an application configuration, determine which functions can be
offloaded to the LTM device

Explain how to create an HTTP configuration to handle an HTTP server error

Objective 1.05 Given an application configuration, determine the appropriate profile and
persistence options

Explain how to create an HTTP configuration for mobile clients

Explain how to create an HTTP configuration to optimize WAN connectivity

Determine when connection mirroring is required

Objective 1.06 Explain the steps necessary to configure AVR U/A

Explain the steps necessary to configure the AVR

Explain how to create an AVR profile and options

Objective 1.07 Given a set of reporting requirements, determine the AVR metrics and entities
to collect

Explain the sizing implications of AVR on the LTM device

Explain the logging and notifications options of AVR

Explain the uses of the collected metrics and entities

Objective 1.08 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate monitor type and parameters to use

Explain how to create an application specific monitor

Given a desired outcome, determine where to apply health monitors

Determine under which circumstances an external monitor is required

Objective 1.09 Given a set of parameters, predict an outcome of a monitor status on other
LTM device objects

Determine the effect of a monitor on the virtual server status

Determine the effect of active versus inline monitors on the application status or on the LTM device

Objective 1.10 Given a set of SSL requirements, determine the appropriate profile options to
create or modify in the SSL profile

Describe the difference between client and server SSL profiles

Describe the difference between client and server SSL processing

Objective 1.11 Given a set of application requirements, describe the steps necessary to
configure SSL

Describe the process to update expired SSL certificates

Describe the steps to incorporate client authentication to the SSL process

Objective 1.12 Given a set of application requirements, determine the appropriate virtual
server type to use

Describe the process to update expired SSL certificates

Describe the steps to incorporate client authentication to the SSL process

Objective 1.13 Given a set of application requirements, determine the appropriate virtual

server configuration settings

Describe which steps are necessary to complete prior to creating the virtual server

Describe the security options when creating a virtual server (i.e., VLAN limitation, route domains, packet
filters, iRules)

Objective 1.14 Explain the matching order of multiple virtual servers U/A

Objective 1.15 Given a scenario, determine the appropriate load balancing method(s) U/A

Identify the behavior of the application to be load balanced

Differentiate different load balancing methods

Explain how to perform outbound load balancing

Explain CARP persistence

Objective 1.16 Explain the effect of LTM device configuration parameters on load balancing

Differentiate between members and nodes

Explain the effect of the load balancing method on the LTM platform

Explain the effect of CMP on load balancing methods

Explain the effect of OneConnect/MBLB on load balancing

Explain how monitors and load balancing methods interact

Section 2: Set-up, administer, and secure LTM devices Cognitive

Objective 2.01 Distinguish between the management interface configuration and application
traffic interface configuration

Explain the requirements for management of the LTM devices

Explain the requirements for the application traffic traversing the LTM devices

Explain how to configure management connectivity options: AOM, serial console, USB & Management
Ethernet Port

Objective 2.02 Given a network diagram, determine the appropriate network and system

settings (i.e., VLANs, selfIPs, trunks, routes, NTP servers, DNS servers,
SNMP receivers and syslog servers)

Explain the requirements for self IPs (including port lockdown)

Explain routing requirements for management and application traffic (including route domains and IPv6)

Explain the effect of system time on LTM devices

Objective 2.03 Given a network diagram, determine the appropriate physical connectivity U/A

Explain physical network connectivity options of LTM devices

Objective 2.04 Explain how to configure remote authentication and multiple administration
roles on the LTM device

Explain the relationship between route domains, user roles and administrative partitions

Explain the mapping between remote users and remote role groups

Explain the options for partition access and terminal access

Objective 2.05 Given a scenario, determine an appropriate high availability configuration (i.e.,
failsafe, failover and timers)

Explain the relationship between route domains, user roles and administrative partitions

Explain the mapping between remote users and remote role groups

Explain the options for partition access and terminal access

Objective 2.06 Given a scenario, describe the steps necessary to set up a device group,
traffic group and HA group

Explain how to set up sync-only and sync-failover device service cluster

Explain how to configure HA groups

Explain how to assign virtual servers to traffic groups

Objective 2.07 Predict the behavior of an LTM device group or traffic groups in a given failure

Objective 2.08 Determine the effect of LTM features and/or modules on LTM device
performance and/or memory

Determine the effect of iRules on performance

Determine the effect of RAM cache on performance and memory

Determine the effect of compression on performance

Determine the effect of modules on performance and memory

Objective 2.09 Determine the effect of traffic flow on LTM device performance and/or

Explain how to use traffic groups to maximize capacity

Objective 2.10 Determine the effect of virtual server settings on LTM device performance
and/or utilization

Determine the effect of connection mirroring on performance

Objective 2.11 Describe how to deploy vCMP guests and how the resources are distributed R

Identify platforms that support vCMP

Identify the limitations of vCMP

Describe the effect of licensing and/or provisioning on the vCMP host and vCMP guest

Describe how to deploy vCMP guests

Explain how resources are assigned to vCMP guests (e.g., SSL, memory, CPU, disk)

Objective 2.12 Determine the appropriate LTM device security configuration to protect
against a security threat

Explain the implications of SNAT and NAT on network promiscuity

Explain the implications of forwarding virtual servers on the environment security

Describe how to disable services

Describe how to disable ARP

Explain how to set up logging for security events on the LTM device

Explain how route domains can be used to enforce network segmentation

Section 3: Deploy applications Cognitive


Objective 3.01 Describe how to deploy and modify applications using existing and/or updated
iApp application templates

Identify the appropriate application template to use to deploy the application

Describe how to locate, retrieve and import new and updated application templates

Identify use cases for deploying the application templates

Objective 3.02 Given application requirements, determine the appropriate profiles and profile
settings to use

Describe the connections between profiles and virtual servers

Describe profile inheritance

Explain how to configure the different SSL profile settings

Explain the effect of changing protocol settings

Explain the use cases for the fast protocols (e.g. fastL4, fastHTTP)

Explain the persistence overrides

Describe the use of HTTP classes and profiles

Describe the link between iRules and statistics, iRules and stream, and iRule events and profiles

Describe the link between iRules and persistence

Describe hashing persistence methods

Describe the cookie persistence options

Determine which profiles are appropriate for a given application

Determine when an iRule is preferred over a profile or vice versa

Explain how to manipulate the packet contents using profiles

Objective 3.03 Determine the effect of traffic flow on LTM device performance and/or

Describe the effect of priority groups on load balancing

Explain the effects of SNAT settings on pools

Explain how persistence settings can override connection limits

Describe the relationship between monitors and state

Describe the functionality of Action On Service Down

Describe the functionality of Priority Group Activation

Describe the persistence across pools and services (e.g., Match Across Services, Match Across vs Match
Across Pools)

Describe how connection limits are affected by node, pool and virtual server settings

Describe how priority groups are affected by connection limits

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The 301b BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) Specialist: Maintain & Troubleshoot exam is designed for individuals who have expertise in maintaining and troubleshooting F5 Networks' BIG-IP LTM product. The exam measures the candidate's knowledge of the product's architecture, features, functions, and capabilities, as well as their ability to maintain and troubleshoot the solution.

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and simulation-based questions. The multiple-choice questions are designed to test the candidate's knowledge of networking concepts, while the simulation-based questions are designed to test the candidate's ability to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios. The exam is computer-based and takes approximately two hours to complete.

You can pass 301b exam easily with killexams Practice Tests because it includes Actual Questions as experienced in Real Exam. offers latest Question Bank to improve your knowledge and help you pass 301b exam with high marks. verifies and confirms 301b Exam Questions on regular basis to keep the Questions and Answers up-to-date. BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) Specialist : Maintain & Troubleshoot Practice Test provided by killexams cover all the questions that you will face in your Actual Test. It covers the latest syllabus and topics that are used in Real Test. Purpose is purely to improve your knowledge about 301b exam and help you pass the exam in your first attempt.

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The topics covered in the BIG-IP LTM Specialist: Maintain & Troubleshoot exam include system management and troubleshooting, BIG-IP LTM interfaces and features, BIG-IP LTM routing and load balancing, and iRules scripting. The exam also covers topics related to F5 Networks technologies, including its products, features, and functions.

To prepare for the exam, candidates should review the current BIG-IP LTM Specialist: Maintain & Troubleshoot exam objectives and review any changes or updates since their last certification. Preparing exam with resources is much easy. Killexams exam PDFs containing actual exam questions, practice tests and exam simulator is very effective for the exam. Moreover, these exam resources are very authentic and dependable as compared to other resources on internet. Candidates can also take training courses and practice exams to refresh their knowledge and skills. There are many resources available online to help candidates prepare for the exam, including study guides, practice exams, and online forums.

Passing the BIG-IP LTM Specialist: Maintain & Troubleshoot exam is important for individuals who want to demonstrate their expertise in maintaining and troubleshooting F5 Networks' BIG-IP LTM product. It can also help organizations ensure that their employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to manage and troubleshoot their networks effectively.

Our 301b Practice Test and Study Guide PDF contains Actual Questions and Answers. You can download 100% free PDF to try before you register for Premium Files. To ace this exam, all you have to do is download 301b Exam Dumps File, memorize the Questions and Answers, Practice with our VCE Exam Simulator and you are ready for Real Test.

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BIG-IP LTM Specialist: Maintain & Troubleshoot exam is a comprehensive and challenging certification exam that tests the candidate's knowledge and skills in the field of network management and troubleshooting using F5 Networks technologies. It is a valuable certification that can help individuals demonstrate their expertise and differentiate themselves in the job market. With proper preparation and study, candidates can successfully pass the exam and become certified as an expert in BIG-IP LTM maintenance and troubleshooting.

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